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Harpenden - Classics on the Common

Harpenden - Classics on the Common

Friday 28th July 2017

The trusty Austins spend most of their time on wedding hires but I do enjoy taking them to a few classic car shows during the summer. There is a lovely little show in the walled garden at Luton Hoo every July but I think my favourite is Classics on the Common in Harpenden. This year's show took place this week and I must admit I was looking at the rain clouds and checking the weather forecast on Wednesday morning debating whether or not to go. Luckily, the rain abated and the sight of patches of clear blue sky persuaded me to get the New Zealand car out of its garage and head off to Harpenden.

The crowds weren't exactly out in force and I am sure there were fewer cars on display than last year but it turned out to be a cracking show. As soon as the Austin pulled up, one of the marshalls temporarily abandoned his parking duties in order to have a look and ask about the car. The rest of the afternoon and evening carried on in much the same vein. I met two of my daughter's friends and their families, the mayoress of Harpenden, the chap who did my printing when I had a local business, Matthew who took over that business, a fellow Vintage Austin Register member and countless other car enthusiasts. Oh, and I was interviewed by a journalist from 'Classic Car Weekly' who took a photo and threatened to include my Austin in next week's issue.

There were plenty of other wonderful cars on display, as well as a few not so wonderful vehicles; I am afraid I don't see the attraction of hot rods and the current trend of painting them to look rusty and battered leaves me cold. I must be getting grumpy in my old age!

The next big show is on 26th September on Redbourn Common. This is the first year for this event and the organiser tells me it is proving popular with enthusiasts. I shall also be taking two cars, so do come along and say hello.