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All's Well

All's Well

Tuesday 5th June 2012

Another busy weekend. A gorgeous sunny day and a wedding at our local village Church. One of the delights of my job is meeting such a wide variety of people, all of whom are friendly and happy. Saturday's customers were no exception. In fact they were particularly good company and I really enjoyed chatting to them and their guests. A good day all round.

I was approached by one of the guests who asked if I would take a booking outside of our area. I will stretch a point if the customers seem to be nice people. But this wedding was in central London and although the bride was really pleasant and I didn't like to disappoint her, it was just too far to travel. I hope she finds a suitable car without too much trouble.

On Sunday we had a family outing to the big city and went to the Globe theatre to see " All's Well That Ends Well". A hundred years ago, when I was at school and we were forced to read Shakespeare's plays, I regarded it as terminally boring. Perhaps I have mellowed with age, perhaps the actors were particularly talented, or perhaps it was the magic of live theatre, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The Elizabethan costumes, the crowd milling around in the pit and the theatre itself all take you back in time. You can imagine yourself sitting there in the 1500's enjoying Master Shakespeare's latest offering. I thoroughly recommend it!