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Back to work

Back to work

Monday 9th April 2012

Easter has arrived and it marks the beginning of the 2012 wedding season at Heritage Classic Cars. One car was out on Sunday; a wedding at the Auberge du Lac. A Michelin starred restaurant nestling in the picturesque grounds of Brocket Hall near Wheathampstead. This is a gorgeous setting and perfect for photographs with the lake and the big house sitting in the middle of the rural Hertfordshire countryside. I offered to take the bride and groom for a spin around the estate's roads so they could stop for photographs. Sadly the photographer wasn't impressed and my suggestion was dismissed out of hand; she wanted to use golf buggies instead of a vintage car! Strange choice, but she was an American so perhaps I should forgive her lack of discernment and her flawed judgement.

Today, two cars were out in the rain for a wedding at Potters Bar and back to St Albans for the reception. They were a lovely couple and we enjoyed driving for them. It was such a shame that the weather was unkind. My son-in-law, Karl drove the second car. It was his first wedding job for Heritage Classic Cars and he was first class, a natural chauffeur if ever I saw one. He did really well and was even rewarded with a big hug from the bride's mother, much to the amusement of the bridesmaids.

It is great to be back driving at weddings again after a long winter break. The cars need to be used and I just love driving them. All we now need is a little more sunshine for our customers.