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Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Sunday 30th December 2012

Happy Christmas!!

Sorry the festive greetings are a little late, but our telephone and broadband were out of commission last week, causing a blog-free Sunday for the first time this year. Due to a fault at the exchange, we inadvertently hijacked somebody else's phone number, whilst calls to our number went unanswered. I didn't mind acting as Mrs Nott's unofficial answering service for a while but it was a relief when normal service was finally resumed.

Vintage cars and weddings are low priorities at this time of year (although I did notice that we had four visitors to the website on Christmas day). Bob the mechanic and I were amongst a small group which got together at the Swan in Markyate last week and hardly a word was spoken about old cars, as the beer flowed and the pub wine took its toll. But all this will change in the New Year as I have several jobs scheduled for him in January and February as we push ahead with getting the cars ready for our 2013 weddings.

Finally, I word of congratulation to Martha who, on Christmas day, was victorious in the 'balancing cushions on your head' competition. An impressive nine cushions was enough to win the day and sweep the opposition aside. I shall be contacting the Guinness Book of Records next week.