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Disappointing news

Disappointing news

Sunday 16th February 2014

I had a depressing phone call from a customer yesterday. Out of the blue, she received a letter from the hotel at which she had booked her wedding reception, saying they were closing down and she would have to find an alternative venue. Apparently she met the hotel's wedding co-ordinator just a few weeks ago and nothing at all was said about any problems. Now she has the stress of trying to find somewhere else. What a nightmare! I told her I would be happy to re-arrange her wedding car booking if necessary and even return her deposit if she is forced to cancel. I do hope it doesn't come to that!

I imagine the hotel is legally entitled to cancel the contract but it does seem unsatisfactory that they can throw this huge spanner into the works and leave their customers to sort out the mess. At the very least, I would have expected them to negotiate some kind of arrangements with other wedding venues to give their disappointed customers a chance of finding somewhere else at short notice.