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Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

Sunday 8th June 2014

I had been keeping a close check on the weather forecast throughout last week; a Met Office amber warning for heavy rain on Saturday along with predictions of thunder and lightning made me fear the worst. Sure enough, Saturday morning brought grey skies and a steady downpour. We had cars at two weddings and it looked as if we were going to get very wet. It doesn't matter too much if the cars and chauffeurs have to be dried off after the event but it must be so disappointing for the brides.
I went to the check on the cars mid-morning and the rain was relentless. But, by midday, when I left home for the wedding, the rain had stopped but the clouds seemed very threatening. By the time I arrived to collect my bride in Hatfield, there were little patches of blue sky and by the time we arrived at the Church, the sun was out. Impeccable timing!
I jokingly told the bride's father that bringing the sunshine was all part of the service. But, thinking back, we seldom have many days of continuous rain at our weddings. Perhaps I should charge extra for that!