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Thank you!

Sunday 30th November 2014

I thought our first Christmas card had arrived yesterday when a small envelope dropped through the letterbox. The envelope was about the right size and it had that rigid feel to it that a letter doesn't have. Upon ripping it open, I found it was actually a thank you card from a lovely couple who used my car for their wedding at the beginning of this month.

Some customers leave the car at their reception without a word. No goodbye and no thank you. I suppose this is understandable when they are swept up in the excitement of the day, but it leaves me a bit deflated and there is no feeling of a job well done as I drive home. So I get such a buzz when somebody goes to the trouble of sending a card to say how much they enjoyed riding in the vintage car and how they appreciate my efforts to make their day special. It is nice to receive Christmas cards but this was much, much better. So if Jean or Ben should read this, I would just like to thank them and say how much I appreciate the card.