Tel: 07941 368 331




Saturday 14th March 2015

The other day I received an email asking if I would be interested in taking one of my cars to a fashion photoshoot. Apparently there is to be a vintage theme and the organiser thought one of my cars would be a perfect prop for the outside shots. Sadly, there is no fee involved but I am to be given copies of the photographs to use for publicity purposes and the up and coming designer will get her chance to publish photos of her work in a magazine. I certainly don't begrudge a few hours of my time, on a day when I have no wedding bookings, to help someone get started in a very competitive industry.

It will be interesting to see how things go; these "creative" people have a reputation for being disorganised but this particular lady seems very efficient. She has obtained permission to photograph outside St Albans Abbey on Monday morning and everything appears to be well-planned. I have cleaned one of the cars and I shall be there, ready to go at 10 o'clock.

It could be an interesting experience. I shall be posting the resulting pictures on the website so do come back and have a look.