
New website
Monday 4th May 2015
Do you like the new website? The company that hosts my site persuaded me that an update was urgently needed to make it more readable on tablets and smartphones. So I spent some money having it re-designed and I think the results are excellent. Sadly, the designer dispensed with my logo, which makes my existing supply of business cards and leaflets redundant, but I think it is a sacrifice worth making.
The wedding season is now in full swing and I have already had two trips to St Albans Abbey and one to Hatfield House. I quite like going to venues like these for the excellent photo opportunities. I make a point of taking a photo at every wedding I do and these are always enhanced by a beautiful backdrop. Yesterday, we were in St Albans and I had to deliver the bride and groom to the White Hart hotel on Holywell Hill. The photographer asked me to park on the hill outside the hotel so he could get some shots of the happy couple, with the car, in front of the historic Tudor building. This was all fine, but the wedding guests thronged the pavement and we caused mayhem with pedestrians being forced to walk in the busy road and the photographer holding up the traffic as he dashed across the street to take his photos. Luckily, nobody was killed and no complaints were received from the public. I also managed to get a couple of nice photos of the car standing in front of the old building.