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Wednesday 16th September 2015

A little while ago, I received a phone call from a complete stranger who asked how I was getting on with my website company. Normally alarm bells start ringing at such a question and nuisance sales calls are terminated in double quick time. In this instance, the caller soon explained he was a wedding photographer who was considering having a website designed by Webfactory; the company I use. He wanted to know whether or not they provided a good service and how I got on with them. Clearly this was somebody doing his homework before spending his hard-earned money.

Actually, this isn't an unusual event because I have been contacted a few times in the past by potential customers of that company. I don't know why they pick on me. I like to think it is due to the quality of my website, but perhaps it is just coincidence. Nevertheless, I always sing Webfactory's praises because they do a first class job. My website was re-designed recently so it was more accessible to people using tablets and smartphones. I was a bit dubious when they suggested it and also said the whole thing needed to be brightened up and refreshed, with a new look and feel to it. My fears were unfounded and I should have had more faith in the experts because the new site is superb. Their hosting service runs smoothly and the SEO service works because I enjoy a prominent position on Google searches.

However, there is one small cloud lurking on the horizon. I bravely downloaded Windows 10 last week and am just starting to get to grips with it. One thing I noticed is that the default search engine is set as Bing. I shouldn't be surprised that Microsoft favour their own product above Google and I have already worked out how to switch the default settings but I suspect many people won't bother to change and Bing may become much more popular. So I am now wondering whether this will have an impact on my site's prominence in search results. I have faith in Webfactory to work their magic and keep Heritage Classic Cars in the public eye but I shall be monitoring things very carefully over the next few months.