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A quiet winter

A quiet winter

Sunday 13th December 2015

Christmas is always a quiet time for me and I really don't mind at all. Back in the 1920s, few cars had the luxurious features which we now take for granted and my cars have never been fitted with heaters. This makes a chauffeur's life extremely uncomfortable in the depths of winter. It isn't too bad when the engine is running because the heat permeates through the wooden floorboards but when you are sitting, waiting in the car, it gets very chilly. For this reason, I only take on occasional weddings between November and February and then I warn people that the cars can't handle ice and snow on the roads.

However, I am taking still open for business and already taking bookings for next Spring and Summer. In fact, I had a viewing only yesterday and they emailed within a few hours to say they wanted to go ahead and book a car. They were delightful and friendly people so I am already looking forward to next March! My diary is starting to fill up and I now have about 30% of my 2016 bookings. Enquiries usually pick up in January and February so I am hoping to attract a good number of customers for next year before too long.

The only slight cloud on the horizon is that one of my back-up drivers has recently taken a new job and may have to work at weekends, which will limit the number of weddings at which he will be able drive. I may have to start looking for another driver and get him or her trained for next Summer. If you know a vintage car enthusiast who has a bit of spare time at weekends, why not suggest they give me a call.