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Sorry for the delay

Sorry for the delay

Thursday 27th August 2015

It has been quite a while since my last blog. The delay is a partly due to lethargy but also to me recovering from an operation on my back. I am out of hospital now and on the mend, but it is unlikely I shall be able to drive the vintage cars until October.

During my enforced absence, my wonderful team of drivers have rallied round and have taken the drives which I have been forbidden to do. They have been fantastic! However, I am being very careful not to take advantage of their good nature. They are friends and family who have been taught the mysteries of a crash gearbox and have mastered the idiosyncrasies of driving a heavy car with vintage brakes and steering. They usually just fill in when I am unable to drive and, whilst they enjoy the occasional trip out to a summer wedding, they would baulk at constant demands upon their precious spare time. In view of this, I have been turning work away rather than impose on their goodwill.

A few people have called asking if I can provide a car at short notice which, normally, I would be happy to do. But, not wanting to exploit the drivers' goodwill, I have been politely explaining the situation and declining the bookings. People have generally been very understanding and have continued with their search for a car, but one young chap seemed reluctant to accept defeat and was metaphorically twisting my arm to provide a car. He even cheerfully offered to drive the car himself if I wasn't able to find a driver! I am sure he meant well but those vintage Austins are my babies and I go to ridiculous lengths to cosset and care for them. Casually handing one over to a complete stranger who had never even heard of a crash gearbox would be like asking Vlad the Impaler to look after your granny!

I hope he found something else.